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The Different Uses And Purposes Of Stainless Steel Bollards, And Why They Matter

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A bollard is a steel post that has different uses. In fact, there are two kinds of bollards, and each has a different sort of job. When you see a stainless steel bollard, you will be able to recognize what type of bollard it is, and what it is supposed to do in the location where you find it. You will also learn why recognizing the differences between the two types of bollards matters.…

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Three Reasons Why You Would Want To Test The Hardness Of Thread Gauges

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When you operate a portable hardness tester, such as the King hardness tester, it is because you want to know something valuable about the material or object you are testing. Portable testers, or field testers, also help you to conduct hardness tests outside the lab. These testers are a convenient way of gathering data without having to take the object or sample back to the lab. In the case of thread gauges, there are a few reasons why you would want to test their hardness.…

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Benefits Of Rubber Vs. Metal Hot Tar Hoses

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If you work a job that requires you to work with hot tar or hot oil, you might need a good hot tar hose for this purpose. If you have been shopping for hot tar hoses, you might have found that there are a few different options, including options made from rubber or metal. These are some of the benefits of choosing a rubber hot tar hose instead of one that is made out of metal.…

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Building A Factory? Two Reasons Why You Should Put Your Industrial Fans On The Roof

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If you’re in the planning phases of building a factory, you have a number of important decisions to make. There are so many different components involved with putting together a well-oil manufacturing facility. The equipment must be perfectly placed and the installation of safety mechanisms is a must. However, one of the most essential parts of any factory is the industrial fans. Those heavy pieces of machinery you use each day can create quite a bit of electrical heat.…

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Tips For Stocking Rice And Grains At Your Store

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Consumers are becoming even more discerning when it comes to the types of rice they buy. Different types of rice have different flavor profiles and nutritional contents. Thus, as a purchasing manager, you will need to develop relationships with a few different wholesalers or importers to provide a well-rounded stock for your business. Here are some things to know about purchasing rice and grains for your grocery store, health food store, or specialty retailer.…

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Keep These Two Things In Mind When Purchasing Teardrop Pallet Racks

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If you are looking for a cost-effective pallet racking system that is flexible and simple to install, you can’t go wrong with teardrop pallet racks. Although this system has many benefits—such as compatibility with different teardrop designs and easily adjustable beams—there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind when purchasing and using components for this system to minimize the risk of product loss and worker injury.…

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Things You Can Clean Around Your House When You Own A Pressure Washer

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A pressure washer is a useful tool to own. It makes cleaning things around the home easier and quicker than using a hose. The power from the spray can eliminate scrubbing in many cases. You can buy an electric or gas pressure washer. Before you buy one, consider how you will use it. Gas models tend to have more power, and they may have too much force for jobs like washing your car.…

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CAUTION! Got A Leaking Septic Tank? Understand The Risks

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There’s a horrid smell circulating in the air and scum oozing up from under the ground of your property. It sounds like you have a leaky septic tank! This is definitely  foul problem that you will want to get fixed as quickly as possible, but a lot of homeowners put off repairs or the replacement of their septic tank. If you find yourself in this position, it is much better to go ahead and get the septic tank repairs.…

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Getting Into The Business Of Manufacturing Plastic Products

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Making products out of plastics is a great way to make money because of the unlimited possibilities that there are. You can make products such as plastic molds for cookin purposes, fiitings for different items, and numerous other things. If you have a passion for working with plastic and want to take your skills to the next level, consider starting a business. You can actually start such a business from home if you have the right kind of equipment and space.…

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Three Benefits Of Oilfield Pipe Thread Protectors

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Oilfield pipe is supposed to be really durable, right? So why would you need to protect the pipe threads? Well, actually, these are not protectors for when the pipes are in use in the oilfield. They are meant for the transportation and storage of pipe. Here are a few benefits to protecting these pipe threads: The Pipe Threads Remain Intact Wind and weather during transport can rust or erode the pipe threads, making them difficult to connect in the oilfield, and even more difficult to keep connected to other pipes.…

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